The Challenge
Due to ongoing changes and re-organizations at our wholesale and retail client, employee engagement as displayed by the company's survey results had suffered. We were engaged to build a program that could support their employees to 1) embrace the change 2) increase well-being by acquiring tools to manage stress and 3) re-establish engagement to the company
Our solution
We spent a few months to analyze, then design, and deploy. We supported both the management and the employees with two parallel interventions.
With the management, we helped frame the proper communication plan, using the ADKAR® model to identify areas of low awareness and resistance. We followed up with individual coaching sessions to support key managers in the steps of this process.
In line with the themes of change identified in the communication plan, we designed an experiential program for the target employees divided in two parts:
1) The first was a full day seminar around the theme of change, to raise awareness and voice how it affected roles and personal experiences at the individual level and experiential exercises and simulations to face change-based scenarios as a team.
2) The second part was another full day experiential semi-outdoor activity with mindfulness-based and cognitive psychology practices and tools to deal with stress, as well as team building exercises involving management and employees together.
We followed up with a half-day workshop on the key elements of stress and change about two months later. Thanks to the design of this intervention, pulse engagement survey revealed a 25% improvement with 86% of employees being promoters or neutral.